Thursday, July 26, 2012

Pecah–A simple review (may contain spoilers)




Gambar di atas ialah Novel Pecah, satu daripada novel2 terawal Fixi. Kalau sesapa xtau psl Fixi or blur silalah ke atau FB dowg .


Aku just nak cerita psl novel Pecah. In addition, review ni maybe serve as what you can expect from movie adaptation. Sapa pernah tgk Inside Man? Kalu pernah tgk & suke silalah baca novel Pecah ni, confirm tertarik. Bukan maksud aku jalan cerita Inside Man & Pecah, tapi bab suspens & penceritaan dia mmg best. Boleh dikatakan a must read novel. Aku pernah baca Twilight & fully khatam Harry Potter, tp satu novel Pecah je da buat aku puas. Pernah minum 100 plus sejuk 1 botol lepas jogging 5 km? macam tu la rasa puas dia.


Roughly novel ni pasal Herman & 3 kawan dia yg lain i.e Radi, Alan & Don yang merompak 1 bank dengan 2 tujuan: lots of money & 1 safety deposit box. Rompakan tu mmg terancang, tapi bila Alan injured dlm rompakan tu plan asal kena ubah & thats when a genius mind of Herman comes alive. Bg aku, watak protagonist & antagonist tak ditonjolkan sangat lebih2 lagi di awal cerita. Semua watak plays an important part. Only in later part will you know who is the most obvious antagonist which is actually more than 2.


Pujian harus diberi kepada Nizambakeri sbb gaya cerita dia. He’s maybe not the best tp for every character & detail yg dia cerita, kita boleh imagine sendiri dlm kepala otak. You don’t have to be a detective or a visionary to understand each para in Pecah. Maybe because Nizam pakai actual scenery (i.e Hospital Klang, CIMB Shah Alam) ataupun maybe sbb bahasa yg mudah difahami. Cerita ni heavy tp sebenarnya simple utk bila dibaca.


Pang pung pang, Pecah fokus kepada kenapa Herman & friends merompak bank tersebut & kaitan antara 1 sama lain. As the story develops, you will know apa intention & matlamat each character. Spoiler: Nizambakeri pakai flashback & the flashback scenes is important to tied everything that is loose.


Aku kena puji Nizambakeri sbb boleh connectkan 1 character dgn 1 character yg lain tanpa membuatkan kita fikir yang benda tu tak logik. Even kaitan antara Lidya & Bakar pon diolah sebaiknya, which is i think can happen in this mad & crazy world. Lagi satu, no character is being wasted dari watak Dr. Vivian ataupun watak Majid.


In summary, aku bagi 9 out of 10 stars. Tak yakin lagi? go to this link . Kat situ korang leh baca bab 1 of the novel. For me, baca the first few chapters da buat aku kagum. Jgn lupe beli & baca sekali, only then baru boleh tgk movie dia. Kalu ada duit lebih beli hardcover terus, limited edition tu.




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